Upcoming Events January 2013
We are quickly approaching the MLK Holiday and as has been our tradition, the Pasadena MLK Community Coalition will be hosting a number of events in honor of the Civil Rights leader and to support our community. Here is a list of the events:
“Day On Not Off” Saturday January 19, 2013, @ 8am-Noon
John Muir High School 1905 Lincoln Avenue Pasadena 91103
The MLK Day of Service is a part of United We Serve, the President’s national call to service initiative. It calls for Americans from all walks of life to work together to provide solutions to our most pressing national problems…and what better place this year than John Muir High School! Join us to beautify and care for a school with a long tradition and a forward-thinking principal, Mr. Timothy Sippel. Meet in the school’s center quad, 1905 Lincoln Avenue Pasadena 91103. Project Coordinators: Mr. Al Bailey and Ms. Joan Reed For more information call (626) 355-1583
MLK Jr. Holiday Celebration Monday, January 21, 2O13 @ 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Robinson Park 1081 N. Fair Oaks Ave Pasadena 91103
Live Coverage of the Presidential Inauguration 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. followed by presentation of awards to student contestants in the MLK Community Coalition Essay and Art Contests. And as always, come mingle with local and state political leaders, while enjoying music from local artists and a fabulous lunch. The event will be held at Robinson Park 1081 North Fair Oaks Avenue Pasadena 91103
The Pasadena MLK Community Coalition would like to thank all of our community partners, including the City of Pasadena
The Pasadena Martin Luther King Community Coalition announced the call for student essay and student art entries for the 2012-2013 academic calendar. Below are the rules the contestants followed. Be sure to join us to celebrate the winners and all our student achievers. (See the schedule above.)
Contest Prompt
Use the following prompt to create an essay or artwork that reflects your answer to the question being asked.
“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of more humanity for all–what is your dream for America?”
Entries must be postmarked no later than Friday November, 2012. All entries delivered in-person are due no later than 6pm on Friday November, 2012
Contestants must submit one copy of their essay to
Martin Luther King Essay Contest
Dr. David Jacobs
444 N. Orange Grove Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91103-3541
(Note: All essays become the property of MLK Coalition and may be used for promotional and educational purposes)
We admit it: we are very consistent. Click here for rules regarding the essay contest. OR, click here for rules regarding the art contest.[lg_gallery]