Democracy allows us to be individuals. We are protected in our individual pursuits of whatever falls under [legal] inalienable rights. However, democracy is a living, breathing institution that is constantly shaped by the diverse voices introduced into our American political landscape. So, what happens when some of those voices ignore their right (and some would say, “responsibility”) to be heard? The shape of democracy may shift in ways that don’t serve everyone in equally beneficial ways.
So, how do we maintain the liberties equally across the board? Vote! It’s that simple, vote and be heard. Take it a step further and participate in local government. But at the very minimum, VOTE!
Here’s a statement from the organization Color of Change (
[WARNING] Your Voter Registration May Need Updating
Five separate states have asked the Supreme Court to repeal the Voting Rights Act of 1965—a monumental achievement of the Civil Rights Movement. All across the country conservatives are making it harder for people of color to vote. It’s the same dirty game, just a different playbook.
People fought and bled so that we could vote. We’re here to help you keep fighting.
Register to vote today. Many states close voter registration in a matter of days.
Thanks and peace,
Rashad, Dani, Matt, Arisha, Johnny and
the rest of the team
(from October 6th, 2012)
“New Target in Voter ID Battle: 1965 Voting Rights Act,” NPR, 08/2/2012
“Research Backs Up Voter Suppression Claims, But Media Stay In False-Balance Mode,” Media Matters, 09/10/2012
“Rock The Vote Election Center,” Rock The Vote, 10/5/2012